Alex Sharp
Alex Sharp

You can do a good job when you play it safe, but you can't do a spectacular job. You have to risk it and be in danger of looking like an absolute fool.

Amanda Peet
Amanda Peet

There's a very small group of elite actresses who are my age, who people want to work with. It's not easy to get a good job with good actors.

Amy Klobuchar
Amy Klobuchar

I have high expectations for the people who work for me. I figure that if they work really hard and do a good job on one of my campaigns or in my office, that experience will serve them well later on.

Andrew Ross Sorkin
Andrew Ross Sorkin

The rating agencies historically actually did a pretty good job rating regular bonds.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

If a new company is formed, it hires people and creates jobs in its community. As it grows, people's opportunities multiply and wages rise. Inequality diminishes as more people get pulled into good jobs.

Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler

I like the minute when I can get off the stage and go home, and I know I've done a good job.

Cheryl Hines
Cheryl Hines

The suburbs are the American dream, right? Living in a nice house, having a good job, a happy family.

Chris Borland
Chris Borland

I think I did a good job of compartmentalizing my life. It's crazy to say it, but even if football was this dangerous thing, it was a place where I could focus all my energy. I'm sure it's not the healthiest thing to direct stress from football into football, but that's basically what I did.

Chris Farley
Chris Farley

I was glad to be sober, but after ninety days, people weren't patting me on the back anymore, sayin', 'Good job on the sobriety! Go get 'em!'

Chris Hogan
Chris Hogan

I think I do a pretty good job of not letting things distract me from what I want to do and what I want to accomplish as a football player.